Chem sex gay xxx party

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GHB induces euphoria, lowers inhibitions and increases sex drive, but it’s also notoriously easy to overdose on. Linked to several drugs, including GHB or 'liquid ecstasy', it can involve sex with a partner or casual hook-up, or group sex at private parties. McMahon, whose theatre company This Is Pop Baby is best known for their celebratory productions, including Ireland’s 2020 Eurovision song entry, is about to share a work-in-progress that delves into this often dark world.Ĭhemsex doesn’t have one clear definition, but broadly speaking, it describes a combination of drug-taking and sex, predominantly amongst the gay male community. Yes, a lot of people, potentially the majority of people, are totally ok, but there are a lot of people who are lost in the cycle.” “It’s not just Dublin or Cork or Galway: we know from our research that there are people all over rural Ireland who have been through all sorts of things with chemsex. “I have personal experience of losing friends to this. “People are dying, and to me, that’s a crisis,” McMahon says.

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